About Us
China Baoli 168澳洲幸运5官方网站 Technologies Holdings Limited (HKEx Stock code: 0164) was incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability and its shares have been listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange since 1973. The Group is principally engaged in the Multi-Media Technologies Business, the Gamma Ray Dry Grinding and Dry Separation Business and Duty-free E-commerce Business. Consistent with the long-term strategy, the Group will continue to accelerating the diversification of the business channels, including but not limited to expanding its scale of 澳洲幸运5官方开奖历史 澳洲体彩幸运开奖网站 排列五开奖结果 五分钟开奖号码 体彩开奖结果直播 开奖结果查询 澳洲幸运5官网开奖视频直播 手机彩票App下载官网 澳洲幸运5历史开奖记录查询 今天的开奖结果查询 168开奖官网开奖查询 澳洲彩历史开奖结果 彩票开奖结果查询 convergence media business via the new online/offline duty-free importing e-commerce marketing platform services, and enhancing the gamma ray dry grinding and dry separation technology business development, in order to achieve prominent growth in these business segments.